Alex Dolan is a writer, podcaster and musician. He is the creator of the audio dramas Young’s Infinite City and The Patron Saint of Suicides, produced in partnership with Audiohm Media and distributed by Realm Media. He is also the author of The Euthanist and The Empress of Tempera (Diversion Books). His short fiction is featured in the anthology The Swamp Killers (Down & Out Books), and he is represented by the BJ Robbins Literary Agency.
Alex was the host of the show "Thrill Seekers," part of the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network, which reaches more than 3.5 million listeners. He has been featured in The New Yorker, Contra Costa Times, San Jose Mercury News, and Publishers Weekly. He has also been an editor and contributor to SOMA, The San Francisco Chronicle, Travel Savvy, and Administration and Policy in Mental Health. Alex was an executive committee member of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Litquake festival, and is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.
Alex has also recorded four albums, and created "The End of the World" festivals, which combined philanthropy with the arts. He holds a master's degree in strategic communications from Columbia University.